Wednesday, September 30, 2009

kibbutz dog

Tonight I ran on kibbutz with Jacki, who is on the staff of Boneh with me. Early in our run we attracted the attention of a largish white dog. The dog not only kept pace with us for the next 25 minutes, but actually sprinted ahead and to the side so he ended up running much farther and faster.

"The kibbutz dog" is a well known concept in Israel, I think. A kibbutz dog is allowed free reign over a much greater area than dogs in suburbs or cities. Kibbutz dogs are similar to country dogs in that respect, but they are more socialized than country dogs because they interact with many more dogs and people. The dog we met was friendly but more interested in running with us than getting scratched behind the ears.

Some lawns we passed were being watered by the kind of sprinklers that sting a little bit because of the thin stream and the water pressure. Our friend plopped himself down on the stingy nozzles to cool himself down and drink.

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